One month in…

James Rogers Jones
4 min readMar 6, 2021

Today marks the end of the 4th week of my new job. My first “adult” job as a graduate. 1 month as a revolutionary for Rebelleon.

Everyone always tells you that you never find the perfect job first time round. You have to start as the tea boy somewhere, have a few ‘questionable’ bosses, and slowly work your way up before finding a job where you finally start to feel a real sense of satisfaction in what you’re doing.

As lucky as I have been in life, I tend to not believe in dumb luck. I do acknowledge that fortune has fallen on my side on many occasions over the years, but I believe I also have a pretty good ability of making the most of a bad situation. But even for my standards, finding a job as fulfilling and enjoyable as the one I currently hold is pretty extraordinary.

If I had to describe my dream job, I think I’d struggle. I have a wide range of passions, with the environment and sustainability probably coming out on top. I enjoy working collaboratively, and love taking on the big problem statements; the ‘how do we revolutionise this’ or the ‘we need to completely rethink that’. Whilst I’m very much a master of none, I’d like to think I have a wide range of skills and enjoy helping people as much as possible.

I’m quite fearful for the future of our planet, and in the past have felt very helpless. This was due to being years away from the…

